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Still need help? Find more answers here!
- Why didn’t you ask for my address? How do I track my order?
- I thought I was buying CDs. Can I get a refund?
- My audiobook mentions a PDF or supplemental materials. Where can I find these?
- How do I update to the latest version of the Chirp app?
- How do I review a book?
- What are the Chirp community guidelines?
- I’m having trouble downloading the Chirp app. What should I do?
- How do I use the “Collections” feature?
- What is reCAPTCHA and how is it used by Chirp?
- I have an Android device with external storage. Can I download Chirp books to my SD card?
- I’m an author. How can I feature my audiobooks on Chirp?
- I need help. How can I get in touch with you?