How do I unsubscribe from Chirp emails?

If you no longer wish to receive limited-time audiobook deals from Chirp, or if you'd like to edit your notification preferences, you can update your account settings via any Chirp email or by logging in to your account.

Edit Notification Settings from a Chirp Email

the footer at the bottom of a Chirp email showing the unsubscribe button

Find the most recent email you received from Chirp and scroll to the bottom. Click the Unsubscribe button and then sign in to your account.

Having trouble accessing your account? Try resetting the password.

Once you've logged in to the Chirp website, click on your name in the top right corner of the page, and select Settings from the menu. Choose the Notification Settings and then select from options listed. If you'd like to unsubscribe from our Daily Deals email, set the option to Never and click the yellow Update button at the bottom of the page.

the notifications setting page, with “Never” selected under “Deals Email Frequency

Edit Notification Settings from My Account Page

To edit your notification preferences from, begin by logging in to your account.

Click on your name in the top right corner, and choose Settings from the menu.

Settings Screen.png

Then select Notification Settings to edit your preferences or unsubscribe entirely.

Notification Settings Screen.png

Click the yellow Update button to save your changes.

If you’re having any trouble, you can contact Chirp Support here: Contact Us

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