To automatically download new audiobooks for offline listening, please follow the steps below.
Please note:
While you can download books for offline listening using the Chirp app, it's not possible to download books to another source. Don't have the app yet? You can download it for Apple (iOS) and Android devices.
Enabling automatic downloads means that Chirp will automatically download any new audiobook that you add to your library after you've enable this setting. Books that were already in your library prior to enabling this setting will need to be manually downloaded. You can find instructions to download books here: How do I download books for offline listening?
How to turn on automatic downloads in the Chirp app:
Open the Chirp app and tap the Settings menu in the bottom left corner.
On the Settings screen, tap the toggle next to "Automatic Downloads" so that it turns green. A green toggle button indicates that automatic downloads have been enabled. New books that you add to your library will be downloaded automatically.
Only download books when connected to Wi-Fi:
If you want to avoid using your cellular data connection to download books, you can turn on the Wi-Fi Only option along with the automatic downloads option. This way, your books will only download automatically when you're connected to wi-fi.
Once you've enabled Automatic Downloads, any new Chirp books that you purchase will download automatically. Need to download books that are already in your library? See our How do I download books for offline listening? article.
If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to reach out — we're happy to help! You can contact us here: Contact Us.