Once you order a book, you can access it in the Chirp app or by visiting your library, here: My Library.
If you don't see a book you've purchased in your Chirp library (either using the Chirp app or on the Chirp website), please confirm that you've signed in to Chirp using the same email address you used to purchase the book.
Did you accidentally create a second Chirp account? We can help! Please review this article for next steps: I have more than one Chirp account. How do I combine my accounts?
In the Chirp app, you can see the account you're using by navigating to the Settings menu. The email address associated with your account will appear next to the "Log Out" option.
We'd also encourage you to refresh your list of books and to ensure that your device is connected to a network.
You can refresh your list of books by using the pull-down gesture on the My Library screen. This gesture can be performed by scrolling down slightly and then pulling down on the screen. We've included a short video clip below for reference.
Finally, you might want to check the filter settings applied to your library. In the Chirp app, you can remove filters by tapping on the funnel-shaped filter icon to the right of the "My Library" heading. Under the "Show" heading, choose "All" to display all of your books.
If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to reach out — we're happy to help! You can contact us here: Contact Us.